Category: SQL Commands



The HAVING clause allows us to specify conditions on the rows for each group in combination with the GROUP BY clause (see the GROUP BY clause), the HAVING clause is evaluated after rows are...


SQL MAX() Function

SQL MAX() function returns the largest value from the selected column. Syntax SELECT MAX(columnName) FROM TableName To understand MAX() function we will take example from [SalesPerson] table of AdventureWorks2012 database. Below is a selection...


SQL MIN() Function

SQL MIN() function returns the smallest value from the selected column. Syntax SELECT MIN(columnName) FROM TableName To understand MIN() function we will take example from [SalesPerson] table of AdventureWorks2012 database. We are selecting all rows...


SQL AND & OR Operators

SQL AND operator is used to filter the records by combining two boolean expressions and returns true when both boolean expressions are true whereas SQL OR operator returns true value when either the first...


SQL IN Operator

You can specify multiple values with IN operator and it will return matching values from WHERE clause of a table. IN operator matches values in a list or subquery and returns the output. Here...